
SAGITTARIUS Forecast for 2024 


For the first two months of 2024, Sagittarius' 1st and 2nd solar houses are loaded with planetary transits, making your identity and the values you hold dear of most concern. Now is an excellent time to try out different images based on a new self-concept and what you want to achieve in gathering resources and supporting yourself. Expansive Jupiter, your 7th house in May, shifting your focus from purely yourself to relationships with others. Intimate partnerships blossom. With the North Moon Node travelling through your 5th house of creative self-expression, joy and romance are the spiritual direction to head in. A soul mate may come calling, or a child or an art project may be conceived. Karmic teacher Saturn continues to work with your family and home dynamics, the emotional responses learnt in childhood, passed down through generations and even past lives. Juno, the goddess of committed relationships, is in the opposite 10th house of public visibility and action. You may be asked to lead in your business or community service, furthering your reputation in your chosen field. Juggling your vocational calling with your home life may be challenging. Take the opportunity of Mercury's retrograde period in your natural 9th house in August to meditate on finding the correct balance.

SAGITTARIUS Forecast for 2023     Opportunities to learn & express yourself

Boundary-stretching Jupiter is in your 5th house of self-expression, creativity and romance until mid-May. In March/April, it meets Chiron and Eris, catalysing deep healing and freeing you to express your Self fully. Next, Jupiter joins Uranus and the North Moon Node in your area of health, healing, everyday habits and work environment. These aspects of life have been going through some radical changes, and now you are ready to embrace a new 'upgraded' way of being, recognising the importance of nurturing beauty and harmony in your everyday world. Venus, in your natural 9th house from May to October, inspires you to keep broadening your physical and intellectual horizons. Is there a particular study course, spiritual discipline or travel calling you? Pluto entering your 3rd house to stay for the next 20 years portends profound changes to your way of learning and communicating. Saturn in the 4th reveals how the emotional response patterns learnt in childhood serve you or not in your adult years. Pallas Athene and Vesta also support your quest for meaning and growth this year. Ceres in your 10th house from March to June may have drawn you to take on a motherly mentoring role. Finding a balance between personal growth and community service is a theme for 2023.

Your Zodiac Sign


Sagittarius ~ Wildfire
22 November – 22 December

Physical correlations:
Hips, thighs, sciatic nerve, liver
Celestial Correlations: Jupiter
Gemstones: Turquoise, lapis lazuli

The healing wisdom of Sagittarius is TEACHING
The freedom loving Horse of Sagittarius appears as a manifestation of the Goddess all over the ancient world. Tales of Welsh Rhiannon, riding a white horse and carrying an abundance bag, show a typically fiery, yet compassionate spirit. Searching for Truth, Sagittarius loves theological and philosophical debates that push the mind past its normal limits. Taking an idealistic perspective and enjoying travel, in close they can feel trapped and inclined to deny their own emotional needs. Gemini, the opposite sign on the continuum, teaches them lightness and laughter. The Temperance tarot card shows how experience tests, tempers and unites different elements in life.

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